Political Conceptualization, Information and Participation

Political Conceptualization, Information and Participation

Shing-Yuan Shen

政治學報;28期 (06/01/1997) P49-82





Political conceptualization and information are closely related but distinctive constructs. The former is an information processing mechanism which helps people organize political information and make judgments about political objects; while the latter is the ability to recognize and understand political objects. Their effects on participation are quite different. However, much research on ordinary people' s level of sophistication fails to distinguish these two concepts. It is therefore impossible to know whether it is individuals' conceptualization or information which drives them to get involved in politics. I start from a basic assumption that people's political conceptualization and political information both will affect their participation in politics. I also consider the possibility that people's participation in politics will increase their political conceptualization and political information. Because of the possible reciprocal relationships, this paper uses a two-stage least squares regression to the effects of political conceptualization and political information on political participation. The model also controls for other determinants of participation-education, age, income, strength of partisanship and political efficacy. Based on panel data from the 1990-1992 American Election Study, this research makes two major contributions. First, I develop a new measure of political conceptualization, which is based on the extent to which respondents upon their core belief systems in assessing questions of political policy. Secondly, I show that people's political information affects their participation in politics. That is, the more political information people have, the greater the likelihood that they participate in politics. However, people's political conceptualization has no effect on participation. These findings clearly suggest the need to distinguish between information and conceptualization when interpreting their impacts upon mass engagement in politics.


Multi-candidate Equilibria with Rank-Improving Objective

Multi-candidate Equilibria with Rank-Improving Objective

Jih-Wen Lin

政治學報;28期 (06/01/1997) P141-157







What Has Democratization Done to Taiwan’s Economy?

What Has Democratization Done to Taiwan’s Economy?

Tun-Jen Cheng and Chi Schive

政治學報;28期 (06/01/1997) P1-24







State Corporatism In Question: Labor Control in South Korea and Taiwan

State Corporatism In Question: Labor Control in South Korea and Taiwan

Chang-Ling Huang

政治學報;28期 (06/01/1997) P25-48





State corporatism has been depicted as a means for labor control in both South Korea and Taiwan. The consistently higher level of labor militancy in South Korea since the 1970s leads us to ask whether the difference in labor militancy can be attributed to a more successful implementation of corporatism in Taiwan. Reviewing the literature of corporatism and the historical experience in these two countries, this paper suggests that, first, the argument that South Korea and Taiwan practiced state corporatism is misleading. In both countries, state corporatism is at most a form of labor organization, and never functions as a labor policy. Second, different approaches of these two countries to labor welfare and labor rights might be partially responsible for their difference in labor militancy. In contrast to their South Korean counterpart, Taiwanese government started labor welfare much earlier and recognized labor rights much later.


Image, Affect, and Perceptions in the 1992 U.S. Presidential Election

Image, Affect, and Perceptions in the 1992 U.S. Presidential Election

Weng-Jeng Peng

政治學報;28期 (06/01/1997) P83-109





This study examines the relationships among image and affect toward candidates, and perception of candidates' support with regard to each of the three candidates-Bush, Clinton, and Perot--in the 1992 presidential election. In particular, this paper aims to uncover the controversial causal relationship between affect and perception in the debate of political psychology. The data analyzed were collected from a cross-sectional sample survey and a two-wave panel sample survey taken between late Augest 1992 to election day. Linear structural equation modeling was utilized in order to examine the simultaneous nonrecursive relationship between perceptions and affect. The findings are :(1) People tend to project their affect toward a candidate onto their perception about that candidate's support.(2) The effects of perception of candidates' support on affect are negative. (3) Voters' prejection psychology and the effects of perceptions on affect both diminish as the election draws near.


Successful Contracting: Governmental Policy and Its Effects on Contractor Performance

Successful Contracting: Governmental Policy and Its Effects on Contractor Performance

Jing Shiang

政治學報;28期 (06/01/1997) P111-139





In contracting out of public services, contractors' performance in service delivery varies. The variations come from different sources. Factors such as contractors' motivations, management styles, use of technologies, organizational structures, and personnel quality contribute to the variations. Among these factors there are some which the government can intervene to improve, but only indirectly through its contractual policies and relationships with the contractors. In this paper, four components-Information, incentive, independence and competition of an outsourcing government's contracting policy are identified. The components' potential effects on service contractors' performance are also discussed.
