
The Political Economy Analysis of Japanese Administrational Guidance

蔡增家(Zheng-Jia Tsai)

政治學報;45期 (06/01/2008) P1 – 26

關鍵字:日本, 行政指導, 企業配合, 泡沫經濟, 官僚主導 , administrational guidance, bubble economy , informal institution, administrational reform , Japan




The goal of this paper is to explore the roots of Japanese economic recession in the 1990s from the administrational guidance. It is the primary informal institution in Japan. In the past, it is from international dimension or domestic dimension to analysis the Japanese economic recession in the 1990s. There are focus on the formal institution, for example, political reform, fiscal reform, administrational reform and financial reform. And there are neglect of the change of informal institution. The argument of this paper is that Japan has reformed formal institution in the past 15 years, but the informal institution still was existed. It is the primary reason that Japanese economic recession in the 1990s. This paper will be hold the Administrational Guidance to verify of my argument.



The Reforms of Enterprise Income Tax in China: The Denotation of Political Economy

張敏蕾(Ming-Lei Chang)

政治學報;45期 (06/01/2008) P27 – 66

關鍵字:外商投資企業和外國企業所得稅法, 有效稅率, 企業所得稅暫行條例, 政治成本假說, 租稅改革, Effective tax rates, Enterprise income Tax Provisional Regulations , Foreign Investment Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises Income Tax Law , Tax Reform, Political cost hypothesis




This paper intends to compare ”Enterprise Income Tax Provisional Regulations” and ”Foreign Investment Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises Income Tax Law,” employing empirical data to identify the differences in average effective tax rates (ETRs) under two kinds of enterprise tax regulations and to analyze tax regulations, favor measures and deductions in the tax regulations mentioned above. Also, I intend to explain the background and meanings of the enterprise income tax reform from the view point of political economy. What distinguishes this paper from traditions approaches, which mainly focus on comparing income tax regulations is that it bases on actual income tax data of listed companies and analyzes the causes of differences in the income tax burdens between domestic and foreign capital listed companies in order to find out how implementation and practices of those two tax regulations affect enterprises' tax burdens. This paper concludes that the average ETR of companies that apply foreign investment enterprise is 8.62% and that of companies that apply domestic-capital enterprise is 17.34%; the later is significant higher than the former. The regression analysis also concurs with the finding that the average ETR of companies that apply domestic capital enterprise is significantly higher. For companies that apply domestic capital enterprise tax law, the size of enterprise, density of capital, ending inventory and leverage have significant positive correlations and the amount of long-term investment, the number of controlled branches and the growth rates of asset returns have negative correlations. For companies that apply foreign investment enterprise tax law, size and the density of capital have significant positive correlations; amount of long-term investment and leverage have significant negative correlations.



Multi-level Bayesian Analysis of the Supporting Rate of the Anti-Chen Rally

蔡佳泓(Chia-Hung Tsai)

政治學報;45期 (06/01/2008) P67 – 93

關鍵字:反貪倒扁運動, 貝式定理分析, 階層模型, anti-chen rally , bayesian statistics , multi-Ievel analysis




In June, 2006, the prosecutors began investigating President Chen's use of the special fund. Shih Ming-teh, the former chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), urged the president to step down for his alleged involvement in the corruption scandal. Shih then initiated a campaign to oust President Chen Shui-bian. At the beginning, the anti-Chen rally was held on Ketagalan Boulevard, Taipei City. It extended to the rest of country in a month. The extent to which people supporting the anti-Chen campaign in each area is a good case study of the mass movement, which is recently overlooked by political scientists. Using the multi-level Bayesian analysis, this research assesses the supporting rate of the anti-Chen rally in each of the seven regions in several ways. It is concluded that the northern Taiwan indeed lent more support to the anti-Chen movement more than the other regions did.



Geopolitical Factors and Neorealism: A Case Study of US-China Geopolitical Competition after the Cold War

張登及(Teng-Chi Chang)

政治學報;45期 (06/01/2008) P95 – 137

關鍵字:新現實主義, 地緣政治 , 國際關係理論 , 離岸平衡手, 中美關係, neorealism , geopolitics, international relations theory , off-shore balancer , US-China relations


K. WaItz在1970年代末創建的新現實主義(neorealism),由於推論嚴謹簡明,被認為是國際關係理論的一大突破。而J. Mearsheimer則自1990年代初起成為新現實主義主要命題的捍衛者。但Mearsheimer在推廣新現實主義時,為了解釋Waltz理論原型產生的一些異例,其實對新現實主義做了重要的補充與修正,這些修正的一個重要核心,就是地緣因素。Mearsheimer為新現實主義所新增的地緣因素文可以區分為三個變項:(1)地面力量的首要性;(2)海洋對國家軍力投射的阻礙;(3)國家共享邊界對戰略選擇的影響。透過這些更新,Mearsheimer進一步論證了陸權大國的攻勢傾向與海權大國保持「離岸平衡手」的合理性,這些新要素是Waltz理論原型所不具備的。本文將以冷戰結束之後(1990~2005年),美國與中國大陸在東北亞與中亞的地緣競逐為案例,探討新現實主義原型與Mearsheimer修正的有效性。同時,筆者透過上述討論,也對新現實主義發展的理論意涵提出若干反思。初步結論是:(1)地緣因素與單位層次(unit level)的其他因素直接有關,應視為是單位層次的變項;(2)因此Mearsheimer新增的地緣因素恐陷入Waltz所極力避免的「簡約理論」(reductionist theory),使新現實主義的簡潔優勢受到折損(3)Mearsheimer理論更新的有用性,叉可能顯示新現實主義基本假定內部的重要缺口,而將成為未來理論再調整的契機。


It is now widely accepted that neorealism founded by Kenneth N. Waltz has dominated IR studies for the last 25 years due to its theoretical parsimoniousness and simplicity. After neorealism experienced various challenges from schools such as neoliberalism and post-mosernism in the 1980s, this theory regained its commanding highs by the revisions from both offensive and defensive realists in the 1990s. Among the new inputs into neorealism, the author will argue, John J. Mearsheimer's offensive version of neorealism is the most notable and compelling drive which has sharpened and advanced the exploration of the essence and strength of neorealism. What Mearsheimer has contributed are mainly geographic factors, which have no place in Waltz's prototype: the primacy of land power, the stopping power of large bodies of water, and the role of the ”off-shore balancer”.This research examines both Waltz and Mearsheimer's propositions against US-China geographic competitions surrounding China after the Cold War. The focus is located in Northeast Asia and Central Asia, where another two great powers are involving the game: Japan and Russia. The findings of this research, while partly confirmed Mearsheimer's predictions in Northeast Asia, provide a few anomalies which deserve further reflection. The author would argue that exceptions appear because Mearsheimer further naturalized and reified the neorealist model. In effect, Waltz has allowed the legitimacy of these exceptions by relaxing his positivist and determinist stance: a possible opening to a more classical IR approach advocated by Morgenthau and others, in which ”politics” can reclaim its place in political studies.



Global Warming Issues in China: The Perspective of Environmental Politics

施奕任(Yi-Jen Shih)

政治學報;45期 (06/01/2008) P139 – 164

關鍵字:中國大陸研究, 全球暖化, 京都議定書, 氣候變化綱要公約 , 環境政治學, global warming , China study , environmental politics , Kyoto Protocol , United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)




As the rising of international ecological awareness, environmental issues is becoming more and more important nowadays and combating global warming is one of the most critical environmental issues. Most environmental issues involve not only science research, but also real politics. China becomes more important in global climate change negotiation because of three reasons. Firstly, China is the most populous country on earth, so the total amount of resource consumptions are also larger than countries. Secondly, due to high economic growth rate and low energy use efficiency, china has emitted a lot of greenhouse gases into the air. Most important of all, China is the substantial leader of developing countries. China's attitude toward climate change could deeply affect other important developing ones. Based on environmental politics perspective, this paper would discuss China's position in global warming challenges, and what are the China main responses in global climate change negotiation.This paper would use the concept of Sprinz and Vaahtoranta's interest-based explanation model to identify China's position in climate change issues. Furthermore, this paper would analyze China political context in international environmental affairs. These will help us illustrate the whole picture of China political standpoints in global warming and climate change.This paper thinks that China has four basic problems in global warming. First of all, China insists the completeness of environmental sovereign. Secondly, China was the victim country in global warming problems, and developed countries were main greenhouse gases emitting countries; so they should take the most part of responsibilities. Thirdly, China emphasizes that China is still a developing country and the priority of national development must focus on poverty reduction and economic growth. Fourthly, China would take pragmatic and low-keyed strategies to face complex global warming negotiations. In general, this paper would argue China's global warming strategies still have sustainability. In the ecological vulnerability criterion, although China emphasizes historical responsibilities of those development countries, China also adopts many policies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In the abatement costs, although Chain recognize its low-level of economic development pragmatically, China would like to use developed countries finance aid and technologies transfer to intensify capacities of reducing greenhouse gases emission.
