
U.S.-China Trade Bargaining under the WTO Regime: A Case Study of Intellectual Property Rights

高佩珊(Pei-Shan Kao)

政治學報;53期 (06/01/2012) P29 – 45

關鍵字:爭端解決機制, 相互依賴, 美中關係, 國際建制 , 貿易爭端, Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) , interdependence , international regime , trade disputes, U.S.-China relations


隨著全球貿易的日趨密切與活絡,國家之間因此產生許多貿易歧見與摩擦;換言之,全球貿易不單只給國家帶來益處,它同時帶來了許多問題,使得國家必須正視以避免貿易大戰(tradewar)的發生。在美國與中國的關係裡,貿易議題之敏感程度與重要性恐怕不低於人權議題;儘管美中兩國一直保持著高度相互依賴的經貿關係,有助於雙方關係之維持熱絡。舉例而言,美國目前是中國第一大貿易夥伴和第一大出口國家;2010年,兩國雙邊貿易額為4,568 億美元;然而雙方問題產生於在過去10年裡(2001 年到2010 年),美國對中國的貿易赤字亦呈現逐年增高的趨勢,從830億美元飆升至2,731億美元。此貿易赤字成為美國與全球各國貿易往來最大之赤字,因此成為美中雙方關係往來裡最大之衝突點。換言之,儘管藉由貿易的相互往來能為國家帶來許多利益,並帶給消費者便利舒適的生活,然而貿易有時亦會為國家帶來問題並產生衝突,進而導致貿易戰爭的發生。在此情況下,若要避免貿易戰爭的發生並順利解決貿易衝突,就端視國家之間如何進行協商與談判。自中國於2001年加入世貿組織以來,美中之間雖產生多次紛歧,然並未因此產生貿易大戰。因此,本文旨在檢視世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)對於國家之間貿易衝突解決之有效性,並藉由分析美中雙方於WTO機制下貿易爭端協商過程,進而瞭解國際建制對於國家談判之影響。由於智慧財產權爭議為美中貿易最為重要及影響深遠之議題,因此本文將以美國向世貿組織控告中國智慧財產權保護案不利一事做為個案研究(案號DS362)。為確保貿易數據與資料之正確性,本文將大量蒐集並比較美國與中國雙方提供之資料與數據,以求資料來源之正確性。


Under globalisation, no country can be isolated from the world, there are more and more trade contacts among states; that is to say, sates' trade and economic relations have been highly interdependent. However, in U.S.-China relations, trade, has been considered as one of the most sensitive issue areas in addition to human rights. For instance, the United States now is China's first trading partner and largest export destination; in 2010, the bilateral trade was $456.8 billion. However, in the past ten years, namely from 2001 to 2010, the US trade deficit with China was sharply increased annually as well, except for 2009 due to the global financial crisis. The deficit grew from $83 billion in 2001 to $273.1 billion in 2010. The US trade deficit with China is the largest in the world; this certainly has brought about many trade disputes between the two. That is, although trade can generate benefits and interests to states, and a comfortable and convenient life to consumers, it can also bring many disputes to states; this sometimes will develop into an open trade war if states do not resolve problems successfully. This indicates that the resolution of disputes greatly relies on states' bargaining. Since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, although there have been many disputes between the two, fortunately, trade war has not happened yet. Therefore this article aims to examine the effectiveness of the regime on states' bargaining. Since the issue of the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) has been the most sensitive and complicated problem in U.S.-China trade relations, this article chooses their bargaining on IPR, the case number DS 362 to be the case study. By means of examining and investigating the process of their bargaining, one can clearly appreciate not just the function but also the effectiveness of the WTO regime on states' negotiation. To ensure the correctness of the related figures and statistics, the article will collect and compare data and materials from both the United States and China.



The Political Economy of "Minor Property Right" Houses in Rural China: An Analysis of the Property Rights Model

曹海濤(Hai-Tao Tsao)

政治學報;53期 (06/01/2012) P1 – 27

關鍵字:小產權房, 地方政府, 產權模型 , 集體土地產權 , 農村集體組織 , collective ownership , local governments, minor property right houses , property rights model , rural collective organization




The purpose of this article is to analyze ”minor property right” houses in rural China. As the suppliers of ”minor property right” houses, the key role of rural collective organization- village committees is discussed in the article. Land property right system and central-local fiscal relations have important effects on the emergence of ”minor property right” houses in transitional China. With respect to a simple property rights model, the article integrates the two factors in order to explain the behavior of rural collective organization. Farmlands are collectively owned in rural China. The non-agricultural use and conveyance of farmlands are strictly prohibited by the state. The coercive policies of farmland expropriate rights and opportunities of peasants to participate in real estate market. The regulation of farmland property rights is equivalent to price control and would bring about rent dissipation and benefit loss to Chinese farmers. The existence of transaction costs prevents the state from controlling overall attributes of collective ownership of farmland. Therefore, collective organization, peasants, and rational individuals are all able to manipulate some attributes of collective land to minimize loss of property rights control. ”Minor property right” houses are thus the consequence of rational choice made by Chinese farmers to mitigate institutional constraints.



The Further Study on Why Had Japan's LDP Lost Political Power in 2009

吳明上(Ming-Shan Wu)

政治學報;53期 (06/01/2012) P47 – 62

關鍵字:出口調查 , 自民黨政權, 投票行為, 政權輪替 , 眾議院選舉 , Diet Election , exit poll, LDP regime , transfer of political power , voting behavior




The main purpose of this article is to further discuss why Japan's LDP had lost political power once again. The current analysis on LDP's failure of the 2009 Election is centered on two perspectives: one is to look for implications of party transition in t he government due to the result of the 2009 Election; the other is to employ data of exit poll focus on electorate voting behavior, in order to show that party transition in the government is a result of decreased vote from median voters and LDP supporters. However, the existing studies lack explanation to the main reasons of why the LDP was unable to maintain continual endorsement from median voters and LDP supporters. Further, this article argues that the collapse of LDP-Komeito electoral alliance is one other critical cause for the LDP to lose political power once again.



Three Theses on the Philosophy of Ruling in Lu Hui Qing's "Commentary of Dao Der Zhen Jing" and "Significance of Zhuang Zi"

林俊宏(Chun-Hung Lin)

政治學報;53期 (06/01/2012) P63 – 96

關鍵字:有與無, 國家建構, 復性 , 無為, 經與變, being and non-being, non-action , permanence versus changes, revivification of nature, state formation




This article deals with the internal context of philosophy of two books- ”Commentary of Dao Der Zhen Jingand” and ”Significance of Zhuang Zi” written by Lu Hui Qing (呂惠卿). The purpose of the discourse in these commentaries is to gain the legitimacy of reform by initiating or producing a metaphysical system. As an important member of the XI-Ning reform (also as one member of Xinxue in North Sung Dynasty), Lu Hui Qing, through the activity of making commentaries of the Taoist texts, declared the core political philosophy of change of the political group to which he belongs. Through the commentaries, he discussed the dialectical relationship between ”classics” and ”change.” And he made further discussions into the three domains what dwelled in the complex relations seen in ”The Way and the mass,” ”Change versus Permanence” and ”the methodology of governance.”He emphasized that changes can be normal and have the legitimacy just under the qualification by following the great rule (Tao or permanence). There won't be any variations that should alter the ultimate. And this is valid not only in the sphere of daily living, but also valid in the sphere of governing. In turn, these intellectuals as the core of the emerging bureaucratic, through this ”scriptures postil the commentators” style, revealed their political ideas, strengthened their influence and shared power with the emperor. And all of these had formed a different type of state comparing with that of Sui-Tang Empire.
