
The Communist Regime's Self-Serving and Ideology Refunctionalization: Focus on the Heuristic Case Studies of the CCP's "Three Represents"

林祈昱(Chi-Yu Lin) ; 蔡文軒(Wen-Shuen Tsai)

政治學報;46期 (12/01/2008) P95 – 132

關鍵字:三個代表 , 再功能化, 啟發式個案, 意識型態, heuristic case , ideology , refunctionalization , three represents




Our main point is that the ideology refunctionalization is the elements of self-serving communist regime. Many Scholars think the communist regime will never give up the guiding ideology, because the regime needs it to guide the policy output. The ideology refunctionalization is still stress the guiding function, but the contents are full of pragmatism instead of utopianism. We use two identification to test if the ideology is already accomplished the stage of refunctionalization. Fist, we focus on whether the market mechanism has lead into the political system; second, whether the top leaders have the consensus of this ideology refunctionalization. In the Mainland China case, CCP offer ”Three Represents” in 2000 was fitted in aboving two identifications, so the ideology has finished the refunctionalization. In addition, the article uses the Vietnam and USSR for the positive and negative case, to compare with the Mainland China. For the cross-case studies, we hope to strengthen the causal effects that resulted in the heuristic case of the Mainland China.



The Critical Mass and the Gendered Power in the Committees of the Legislative Yuan

楊婉瑩(Wan-Ying Yang) ; 藍文君(Wen-Chung Lan)

政治學報;46期 (12/01/2008) P1 – 43

關鍵字:支配命令型 , 召集委員, 性別權力, 賦權合作型, 關鍵門檻 , committee chairperson , critical mass , domination , empowerment , gender power




This study explores the relationship between gender and power within the committees of the Legislative Yuan. We divide our discussions of gender and power into two main sections: firstly, in terms of the concept of power, we redefine it from the gender perspective, and classify two types of gender power: domination and empowerment style. Secondly, we examine the possible factors in explaining the different patterns of gender power, among those factors some are gender relevant, including biological sex differences of the committee chairpersons and the gender dynamics of committee composition, whereas some are not gender relevant, including committee norms, rules and procedures. In short, this paper attempts to explore the core question: what are the main factors in explaining gender power difference, and whether the gender proportion of the committee composition has any effect on the operating pattern of committee power. To answer these questions, this study analyses government gazettes and adopts qualitative and quantitative approaches to grasp the gender pattern of the committee power in the Legislative Yuan.



Explaining Taiwan's Peaceful Mainland Policy during Its Transition into Democracy: A Political Interest Perspective

關弘昌(Eugene Hung-Chang Kuan)

政治學報;46期 (12/01/2008) P45 – 68

關鍵字:大陸政策, 台灣 , 民主轉型, 李登輝, 理性選擇, democratic transition, Lee Teng-hui , mainland policy , rational choice , Taiwan




Whether or not democratizing states will act aggressively in their foreign policies is one of the important topics that IR scholars have debated. Taiwan happened to go through a transition from authoritarian regime to democracy from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. Interestingly, this period of time was also accompanied by a peaceful policy toward Mainland China, Taiwan's arch rival. This article seeks to explain why a peaceful Mainland policy would appear during Taiwan's democratic transition. Different from some scholars' argument that stresses institutional factors, this article points out that President Lee Teng-hui's calculation of his political interests played a critical role. Thus, it applies the rational-choice approach to analyze why Lee adopted a peaceful China policy while launching domestic political reforms.



Coercive Policy, Local Government's Behavior and Grass-Root Democracy: An Analysis of Villages Autonomy in Mainland China

曹海濤(Hai-Tao Tsao) ; 柯朝斌(Chao-Pin Ko) ; 楊宜勳(I-Hsun Yang)

政治學報;46期 (12/01/2008) P69 – 93

關鍵字:中國大陸, 基層民主, 強制政策, 稅費負擔, coercive policy, grass-root democracy , Mainland China, tax burdens




This paper analyzes two main phenomena: the deterrence of the grass-root democracy and the enhancement of tax burdens in the rural areas of Mainland China. By means of a simple model, we find the resource of problems lies on the regulative policy of the state. On the one hand, the state implements various regulations in the rural areas, and carry a serious burden on the farmers. On the other hand, the government also boost grass-root democratization. The quandary presents: First of all, democratization maybe intimidate the legitimacy of various tax burdens. Secondly, the cadres of local government must carry out the central authority's policy. Under the circumstance of central authority preferring regulations, the local government have strong incentives to meddle with rural democratic transition, and the central will acquiesce this behavior. As far as we concerned, the various regulations must be abrogated in order to facilitate grass-root democracy and alleviate farms' tax burdens.



Confrontation or Communion?-Analyzing the Incremental Securitizatoin of Water Resources Crisis in the Aral Sea Basin

楊昊(Hao Yang) ; 朱韋昀(Wei-Yun Chu)

政治學報;46期 (12/01/2008) P133 – 175

關鍵字:中亞 , 水資源, 鹹海流域, 非傳統安全, 漸進安全化, Central Asia, water resources , the Aral Sea basin, nontraditional security , incremental securitization




During the Soviet period, it was the Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources (MLRWR) in charge of the regional policy of the Aral Sea. The principle of Aral Sea policy focused on proper allocation of economic resources by attracting the water to local cotton fields. In the post-Soviet era, however, the lack of central institutional framework, unfortunately, results in drying up the Aral Sea basin, turning the water issue into security threats to the entire region. In order to carefully analyze the way Central Asian states cope with new security threats, this paper begins with a brief discussion on the essence of security and the idea of new security. By elaborating thoughts from Copenhagen school, this paper focuses on the idea of ”securitization” proposed by Ole Wæver and initiates an interpretative framework of four phase incremental securitization for the case study of the Aral Sea crisis. The idea of incremental securitization process concerns the consciousness of threat identification by depicting the significance of discourse and the subsequent measures of de-securitization. By applying the logic of incremental securitization to scrutinize Aral Sea crisis, this paper anticipates to exploring Central Asian security currents more on environmental issue as well as dynamic interaction among states, and then portraying some alternative features of Asian regionalism.
