
The Process of China's Modernization Strategy and Its Structure Crisis: An analysis of the labor migration policy


政治學報;39期 (06/01/2005) P77-125

關鍵字: modernization, urbanization, labor migration, Markov chain model, 城鎮化、現代化、馬柯夫鏈模型、勞動力移轉。


中國現代化戰略進程危機,主要關鍵問題圍繞在農村勞動力是否順利完成轉移,若否,中國必將面臨失業問題進一步惡化的危機。農業部門發展滯後,將對其他經濟部門產生嚴重的雙向關聯約制。本研究以馬柯夫鍊模型(Markov chain model),分析中國勞動力移轉效率,檢驗中國「十五」計畫所推動的農村剩餘勞動力移轉策略成效,並預測「十一五」計畫,在2010年前,中國勞動力移轉的變化趨勢。


In mainland China stagnation of agricultural sector has been a constrain to other sector's development. With the process of modernization, the major strategic issue that may lead serious structural crisis is whether the transformation of labor migration to other sectors can be successful. If not, China's economy will face a serious unemployment problem. By using Markov Chain Model, we'll be able to analyze the probability matrix, we'll be able to forecast the eleventh –years economic plan, in order to understanding trend of labor migration, before 2010, to other sectors.



Review Essay:The Role of Local State in China's Economic Development


政治學報;39期 (06/01/2005) P185-216

關鍵字:Informal Finance, Local state Coporatism, Clientelist, Country&town- level collectively owned enterprise, 民間金融、地方政府統合主義、恩庇侍從主義、鄉鎮企業。


本文借用四個文本說明地方政府在市場化的過程中所扮演的角色。第一個是潘維《農民與市場》:他提出地方政府扮演市場化的中介橋梁,探套社會主義傳統下市場經濟發展的模式。第二個Jean C. Oi,rural china takes off:以地方統合主義的模式,分析地方政府在發展中的主導定位。第三個是David l wank commodifying communism;恩庇侍從主義立論說明市場機制不健全,如何運作市場經濟的發展。第四個 是Kenllee S. tasi back-alley banking :說明私人企業如何利用地方民件金融管道獲得資金。已進入市場競爭。這四個文本選擇有共通性:它悶都是透過地方政府的直接投入或間接的 協助而加速集體企業或私人企業的發展,並粗進地方經濟的發展。也有差異性:前兩個文本對地方政府制度性功能角色有較多的肯定。後兩個文本則是強調地方政府非制度性關係的聯結有深入分析。本文的重點不在四個文本的相互比較,而是經由對四個文本的 探討,從不同的面向聊解中國政經改革的 過程中地方政府的 真實樣貌,已顯現出中國經濟改革形貌的 完整性。


n this paper, I re-present the following four texts for reveal the role of local state in China's economic development. These texts include Wei Pan:Politics of marketization in Rural China: Jean C. Oi: Rural China Takes Off: David l. Wank: Commodifying Communism; Kellee S. Tasi: Back-Alley banking. I re-present these text which from different dimensions to observe the role of local in China'economic development. It's to understand china more deeply in the reform era.



An Analysis on the Change and Development of Mainland China'Southeast Asian Studies


政治學報;39期 (06/01/2005) P41-76

關鍵字:ASEAN, Mainland China, Southeast, Southeast Asian Studies, 中國大陸、東南亞、東南亞研究、東協(東盟)


本文的重點在對大陸的 東南亞研究進行整體回顧與展望,並有效理出大陸東南亞研究的脈絡與結構,在處理方法上將強調四個問題的解析:第一、大陸東南亞研究如何受到大陸政經發展及大陸和東南亞區域的 雙邊政經發展之影響?第二、整體分析與歸納大陸東南亞研究的方向、議題和趨勢。第三、針對大陸東南亞研究的內涵、範圍、資源與研究機構進行分析。第四、針對大陸東南亞研究的優勢及劣勢進行分析。


The focus of this paper is to deal with the retrospect and prospect of Southeast Asian Studies in Mainland China. Also, this paper attempts to find out what the contexts and structures of China's Southeast Asian studies are. Concerned with the methodological aspects in this paper, four issues will be involved and solved for the following discussion. First is to discuss how the development of China's Southeast Asian studies is influenced by the the rise of her economy and politics. Also, it is interested to examine how the development of China's Southeast Asian studies is shaped by the improvement of economic and diplomatic relations between China and ASEAN. Second is to summarize the development direction, issues and tendency of Southeast Asian studies as a whole in China. Third is to entirely analyze the research resources, structures, and institute od China's Southeast Asian Studies. The last is to present those what are strengths and weakness of the whole research development on China's Southeast Asian Studies.



The Implication and Assessment of Inter-Party Merger-Focusing on the Case of KMT and PFP


政治學報;39期 (06/01/2005) P1-40



政黨合併是黨際關係中一種較少被論及的關係型態時期台灣重大的 歷史時刻,有其深根的迫切性,本文先由政黨合作、政黨聯盟、政黨重組等相近概念的辨析著手,以凸顯本文所採取的組織研究途徑與其相異之處;其次則透過組織合併意義的引介、組織合併與政黨合併異同的比較,說明政黨合併的特性,指出政黨合併的主要目標,在於重新調整政黨與環境及政黨之間的互賴關係,方能達及擴張政黨勢力版圖等願景與效益。以政黨合併的特殊性評估國親兩黨合併的意見,似仍有合超效應必然產生、民意支持足以為恃、策略考量可以成事、理念革新可以忽視等盲點與迷思。其次,再將焦距設在:探討政黨合併的四種可能模式,包括創設整合架構模式、兩黨整合運作模式、兩黨之一解散模式、兩黨解散重組模式,並分別由組織結構與變遷過程兩個面向予以鑑定。質言之,本文認為:在政黨合併的過程中,一旦缺乏治理組織相關因素的考量,勢必影響政黨合併的順利獲成效。


Inter-party merger is a particular type of party relationship and it is rarely discussed. On the historical moment of Taiwan, it is important to deeply investigate this topic. This article, first of all, distinguishes party merger from similar concepts such as party cooperation, party alliance and party realignment. Then the article describes the characteristics of inter-party merger and inter-party merger.



The Changing Cross-boundary Interactions between State and Society in South China


政治學報;39期 (06/01/2005) P127-184

關鍵字:cross-boundary cooperation, south china, pearl river delta, intergovernmental cooperation, 跨境合作、華南地區、珠江三角洲、政府間合作機制


本文分析香港、廣東各省市和中央政府機構,在管理香港與華南地區社會互動時,所遇到之挑戰。本文首先論述華南地區之經濟轉型和其含義、從一些跨境議題中案例,例如人口流動的狀況、跨境居住、公共衛生、和其他受社會關注的問題,去闡明華南地區社會互動中的趨勢。本文分析了各級政府在華南地區跨境合作上做出的回應,例如設立跨政府的調機制、香港政府的人口政策、和中央政府協調跨境議題的措施。隨著兩地的經濟相互依賴不斷深入,香港與中國內地各有關政府,亦要因應社會上有關促進交通和人口流動的要求,及其他有關跨境互動的問題,出回應和應對措施。雖然在中國單一制之政治制度下,香港擁有「一國兩制」的 超然地位,但這些機制能否有效處理各跨境議題,目前還有待觀察。最後,更有跡象顯示,香港特別行政區政府經常要求中央政府,担當平衡各方的(包括各地區政府)在華南地區利益的角色。


This paper analyzes the challenges confronting the state authorities in managing cross-boundary social interactions between Hong Kong and south china. This paper first provides an overview of the economic transformation of south china and its implications. Several cross-boundary issues, namely the pattern of demographic emerging social concerns, and examined to illustrate the changing trends of social interactions in the south china region. Several governmental responses to these development s, such as the establishment of intergovernmental mechanisms, the adaptions of a population policy in Hong Kong , and the increasing role of the central authorities in cross-boundary condition, can be identified. With the extensive economic interdependence, governments in Hong Kong and the mainland have to respond to the community demands for further facilitation pf traffic and demographic movements and to cope with the various problems arising from such interactions. While Hong Kong ^s status under one country, two systems is highly privileged within the unitary Chinese state, this special tremens has not engendered smoother cross-boundary cooperation. The scope of such intergovernmental interactions has already expanded to encompass a much wider agenda including social environmental and public health issues. Nonetheless, despite the proliferation of intergovernmental mechanisms whether these newly formed mechanism are effective in addressing cross-boundary problems remain to be seen. Further, there are signs that the central authorities in Beijing were increasingly being asked by the HKSAR Government to pay a role in balancing the different interests and governments in the south China region.
