
The Politics of Telecommunications Reforms in Thailand

陳尚懋(Shang-Mao Chen)

政治學報;50期 (12/01/2010) P1 – 40

關鍵字:民營化, 金權政治, 泰國, 電信改革 , money politics , privatization, telecommunications reforms, Thailand




Telecommunication is one of the most rapidly burgeoning industries that have propelled economic and social developments in many countries. The Thai telecommunication industry is no exception. Rapid economic expansion boosted the demand for basic telephone services in the early 1980s, paving the way for the industry's systematic reform taking place in the late 1980s. There have been two phases in the Thai telecommunications reform. In the first phase during the late 1980s and the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the Thai government embraced deregulation and limited private participation through Build-Transfer-Operate (BTO) scheme, including four fixed-line telephone and mobile phone concessions in the early 1990s. In the second phase that began after the aforementioned crisis, the Thai telecommunications industry entrenched liberalization, which dismissed state monopoly and encouraged broader competition, in order to comply with Thailand's WTO commitment for full market access in the basic telecommunication services by 2006. However, the telecommunications reforms in Thailand failed to achieve the fundamental goal, as a result of rampant rent-seeking associated with the opportunities unleashed by liberalization. The corruption marked by rent-seeking also exacerbated ”money politics” in Thailand.



Intersubethnic Marriage and National Identity: The Changing Role of Family Members

吳親恩(Chin-En Wu) ; 林政楠(Cheng-Nan Lin)

政治學報;50期 (12/01/2010) P41 – 82

關鍵字:台灣人與中國人認同, 性別差異 , 省籍 , 族群通婚, gender gap , intersubethnic marriage, national identity , subethnicity




By dividing respondents into various subtypes according their parents and spouses' subethnicity, this paper observes the role inter-ethnic marriages play in shaping family members ' Taiwanese-Chinese identity between 1992 and 2008 Although an increasing number of people identify themselves as Taiwanese, there are still a significant portion of citizens who still embrace the Chinese identity or dual identity. The identify difference begins to shrink in recent years. We then compare the gender gap in influencing family members ' identities. Although fathers and husbands traditionally play a greater role in attitude formation, mothers' and wives' impacts significantly increase in recent years Finally, we demonstrate that family members' effects are conditional not only on gender and but also on the subethnicity and their spouses' subethnicity. Among parents' influence, both father and mother exert greater effect when their spouses are Mainlanders. In contrast, among married couples, spouses exert greater effect when the respondents are Taiwanese. Socioeconomic and network inequality among gender and ethnic groups contribute to the uneven influence of family members.



Analyzing Japan's Economic and Foreign Policies under the Democratic Party of Japan

蔡增家(Zheng-Jia Tsai)

政治學報;50期 (12/01/2010) P83 – 109

關鍵字:日本, 日本民主黨 , 外交政策 , 派系 , 經濟政策, economic policy , foreign policy, Japan , Japan Democratic Party , political clan




Under the leadership of Yukio Hatoyama, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) attained the overwhelming electoral victory on August 30, 2009, ending the one-party domination by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). That victory also made the DPJ the first opposition party since 1955 in Japan that defeated the incumbent ruling party by assuming an absolute majority by itself in the lower house. That the DPJ accomplished this after only eleven years since its establishment in 1998 triggered a wave of research on its ideology as well as economic and foreign policies. In accordance with this line, this article argues that Japan's lingering economic recession since the 1990s is the most crucial factor to bring about the regime change. After the election, the entrance of a large number of fresh members in the lower house of the Diet will facilitate the convergence of liberalism. These arguments will be couched in an anatomy that integrates the static institutions and the dynamics interactions among chief political forces.



Continuity and Change: A Panel Study of the Influence of Political Information on College Students' Political Trust

劉嘉薇(Jia-Wei Liu) ; 黃紀(Chi Huang)

政治學報;50期 (12/01/2010) P111 – 146

關鍵字:定群追蹤研究 , 政治支持, 政黨認同 , 傳播媒介 , mass media , panel study, party identification , political support




Political trust among the general public determines citizens' support to the political system. College students are the future elites of the society and therefore how their sense of political trust is shaped by the mass media deserves close examination. This article analyzes the continuity and change of college students' political trust in Taiwan from the viewpoint of political communication of mass media based on a four-wave panel study. We find that from year to year about 40% of our respondents remain stab le in their political trust while about 60% of them change all the time. Two determinants are most significant. One is the subjective evaluation of the fairness of the mass media report, i.e., the more they feel media coverage is fair, the stronger sense of political trust they have. This finding fits the ”virtuous circle theory.” The other key factor is party identification, i.e., the pan-green identifiers who expose more to the media or believe that the media coverage is fair tend to have lower political trust than those low exposure. This finding fits the ”media malaise theory.”
