
Cultural Sinicization: Encountering and Choice of Four Asian Diasporic Scholars on China

石之瑜(Chih-Yu Shih) ; 吳昀展(Yun-Chan Wu)

政治學報;54期 (12/01/2012) P57 – 80

關鍵字:施擬夏化, 中國崛起, 入江昭 , 金淳基, 譚中, 黃朝翰 , sinicization , rise of China, Samuel Kim , Akira Iriye , Tan Chung , John Wong




To understand the cultural mechanism of cultural Sinicization, discursive analysis of this article shows that the selected four academics consciously manage their liminal positions through scholarship: Kim's synthetic analysis, Iriye's centrist mediation, Tan's geocivilizational critique and Wong's scientific Chineseness. In their work on China, there appear at least two common puzzles that call for answers. How do they place themselves in the Sinic world: does China belong to an identical or a different ontological order? And how do they want China to be evaluated: should China conform to a Western standard expressed in values that are claimed to be universal? Kim's and Iriye's professional affiliations in the United States seem to push for a universalist prescription for China's place in the world; the peripheral relationship between Kim's and Wong's home on the one hand and China on the other hand pushes instead for a shared ontological identity. By contrast, freed from both American affiliation and a sense of belonging to the periphery leaves Tan with a different and more innocent sense of China. Given the constraining civilizational positions in which they found themselves and the empowering cultural resources at their disposal, all four scholars have to decide, discursively, professionally as well as personally, how to formulate their own identity strategy and style.



American Constitutional Disputes on Campaign Finance Regulation: Anti-Corruption, Freedom of Speech and Political Equality

張福建(Fu-Kien Chang)

政治學報;54期 (12/01/2012) P1 – 25

關鍵字:美國競選經費規範 , 防腐 , 言論自由 , 政治平等, American campaign finance regulation , anti-corruption, freedom of speech , political equality


選舉是當代民主的必經之途,其過程的廉正與公平,乃是選舉之所以具有正當性的重要因素。美國是民主的先驅,向來以輸出民主自豪,但長久以來選舉弊案頻傳,以及選戰經費之高屢創新猷,都是必須正視的問題。本文嘗試從政治思想的視角,首先回顧與檢視美國選舉相關規範的歷史,並具體討論最高法院在Buckley v. Valeo一案的審理及其引發的種種爭議。之後,文中將以羅爾斯及德沃金的相關評述,說明以平等作為規範選舉經費的考量具有一定的正當性,並指出言論與結社自由雖然至關重大,淨化選風、並確保一個公平的政治平台,卻也為健全民主所必須。


Popular election is essential for democracy and, more often than not, is hastily treated as the equivalent of democracy. The presence of elections, nonetheless, is far from sufficient for a democratic regime, which, among other things, also requires the integrity and fairness of the process of election. The United States of America was one of the forerunners of democracy, and claims to have exported democracy. Her electoral process, however, has been filled with scandals, and the cost of campaigns has broken previous records in the recent national elections with, it seems safe to say, nowhere to stop. As has been argued, campaign finance reform is necessary to rejuvenate American democracy.Explicating the issue of campaign finance in terms of political thought, in the following discussion, I intend to, first, review briefly the history of American election campaign regulation and, in particular, examine the debates involved and implicated in the case of Buckley v. Valeo. Then, drawing on the ideas of both John Rawls and Ronald Dworkin, I argue that it is legitimate and tenable to regulate campaign finance by appealing to the principle of equality. In conclusion, while acknowledging the significance of freedom of speech and of association, I point out that the virtues of integrity and fairness in the political arena are also indispensable for a healthy and enduring democracy.



Veto Power System for Whom? On the Regulations and Practices of Veto Power in Taiwan's Local Counties and Cities (1994-2010)

廖達琪(Da-Chi Liao) ; 羅日春(Ri-Chun Luo)

政治學報;54期 (12/01/2012) P27 – 55

關鍵字:縣市覆議權 , 地方制度法, 臺灣, 地方議會, 覆議制度行政, city & county veto power, Local Government Act , local legislative council, veto power institution







Trade-Security Nexus in China-Singapore FTA

左正東(Chen-Dong Tso)

政治學報;54期 (12/01/2012) P81 – 105

關鍵字:新加坡, 中國 , 中新自由貿易協定, 貿易 , 安全 , Singapore , China , China-Singapore Free-Trade Agreement (CSFTA) , trade , security




On bilateral free trade agreements, recent research starts to pay attention to security and diplomatic motivations, in addition to trade interest that conventional wisdom sees as the key. While the trade effect of free trade agreements is well studied by economists, the security effect is obviously understudied. In order to narrow the gap, this article chooses China-Singapore FTA (Free-Trade Agreement) as a case study. In doing so, it focuses on two aspects - trade and security, and investigates how China-Singapore relations evolved during the course of FTA negotiation and the role of FTA in the bilateral relations. Through this research, it is found that the start of the negotiation was a product of convergence between Singapore's economic motivation and China's security motivation. The agreement itself brings about visible impact on mutual investment and stimulates Singapore's export toward China. However, the defense cooperation that commenced during the negotiation carries symbolic importance while generating limited substance. The finding of this article distinguishes itself from past research by pointing out that pursuing security interest, rather than curbing security diseconomy, provides a better explanation for the formation of the China-Singapore FTA.
