
What Is Political Economy?


政治學報;35期 (06/01/2003) P1-34

關鍵字:政治經濟學、經濟自由主義、經濟國家主義、馬克思主義、重商主義, political economy, economic, economic nationalism, Marxism, mercantilism




There exist a lot of controversies over what the "political economy"is, although it has regained great momentum since the 1970s.Form the historical development of political economy and the framework of two paradigms in social sciences, this paper attempts to argue that political economy usually contains a specific life philosophy and the philosophy pf history of the related actor, besides as one kind of social science theory. If we really want to explain or solve the political and economic problems, we have to grasp first the structural features of the related actors in the political and economic contexts, and then the specific casusal connections in the related historical structural change.




政治學報;35期 (06/01/2003) P223-258

關鍵字:政治經濟學、所有制、資本主義、共產主義、市場社會主義, Political Economy, Ownership, Capitalism, Communism, Market Socialism.


前蘇聯、前南斯拉夫及其他東歐國家在二十世紀九0年代初所出現的鉅變,對西方的左派思潮有相當大的衝擊,並引發不同的回應。一方面,對於傳統的馬克思主義者來說,這並不代表馬克思主義之失敗,原因就是前蘇聯和其他東歐國家根本沒有經過資本主義進深發展的階段就貿然進入邁向共產主義的社會建設,而最後終導致失敗是可以設想的。另一方面,鉅變亦促使部分社會主義者重新思考在資本主義與共產主義之間的可行政經模式,當中有論者積極提倡市場社會主義,更認定他為導引前蘇聯及前東歐共產國家從新發展社會主義模式的不二之選。市場社會主義者對於如何建構後共產時代的 社會主義政經模式提出不同的看法,但其共通之處在於堅持某種型式的公共所有制,本文分析主要市場社會主義政經模式中關於所有制形式的構想。


An Analysis of the Ownership Models in Contemporary Theories of Market Socialism
The fall of communist regimes in the former Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries was a great impact on the leftist intellectuals and stimulated various kinds of feedbacks. On the one hand, form the Marxist point of view, the fall does not imply the failure of Marxism. This is because the former Soviet bloc did not pass through the stage of advanced capitalism which is a prerequisite for the transition. The collapse of the communist regime is due to this immature transition. On the other hand, the collapse forces the left to think about the possibility of alternative to both capitalism and communism. Some of the Western intellectuals promote market socialism as the alternative to both capitalism and communism. Some of the Western intellectuals promote market socialism as the alternative and believe that this is the way by which the reform of the former Soviet bloc may follow. Market socialist have different proposals, but all these proposals share a commom belief in public ownership. This paper analyses the various sys-tems of owenership in these different major models.



The Political Economy of Southeast Asian Area Studies:The Theoretical and Empirical Linkages


政治學報;35期 (06/01/2003) P35-99

關鍵字:Southeast Asia, Area Study, Political Economy, Comparative Method, Case Study., 東南亞、區域研究、政治經濟學、比較研究、個案研究




One aim of this paper is to deal with some aspects about definitions, issue, scopes, methods, directions, approaches, and new phenomena on Southeast Asia area studies. Furthermore, it is also attempting to sum up Southeast Asian area studies, with a historic view, though induction, attribution, explanation, analysis, and discussion. The other aim of this paper intends to catch both the trend of research development and the content of research issues for the past, present, and future. With these two aims, it is helpful to understand the structural relations between Southeast Asian area study and approaches of political economy, on the one hand; then to control the development paths of politics and economics of Southeast Asia, on the other hand. In addition, in order to deal with these above subjects toward "political economy "and "Southeast Asia area study," six dimensions of researches and methods are introduced and examined, i.e, theory vs. empirics development vs. challenges, induction vs. application, analysis vs. approach, retrospect vs. prospect, and state vs. region.



Rethinking the State:From Political Economy to cultural Political Economy


政治學報;35期 (06/01/2003) P101-163

關鍵字:國家、社會、政治經濟、文化的轉向、文化政治經濟, state, society, political economy, the cultural turn, cultural political economy


「國家」是捉摸不定的概念。根據文獻探討,本文分為五個部分。首先,導論部分將本文目的簡短提出說明。其次,歷史回顧有關國家之研究。國家不能單獨來看待,必須與社會之間的關係作為研究基礎。而國家與社會呈現複雜、辯證的關係。第三,比較政治經濟研究裡,利益、制度和觀念為研究的 三大主軸。然而,這些研究中,文化不是關鍵性的因素。第四,分析文化這個概念並闡述「文化轉向」的影響。同時,詮釋「文化政治經濟」的意涵。最後,本文結論,研究國家應採用「文化政治經濟」研究法,以便瞭解國家與社會、經濟三者之間的辯證關係。


The state is an elusive concept. Based on literature review, this paper consists of five parts. First of all, the Introduction briefly illustrates the purpose of this paper. Secondly, it reviews the studies of the state from the historical perspective. The conclusion is that the state cannot be studied independently, that the state must be studied with the society. Thirdly, this paper examines the literature of comparative political economy. Mostly, there are three approaches to political economy: interest-based, institution-oriented, and idea-oriented. Yet the culture is not considered as culture and interprets the impact of" cultural turn". Moreover, it elaborates the implications of "cultural political economy". Finally this paper concludes that the study of the state should adopt the approach of "cultural political economy" in order to understand the dialectic relationships among the state, society and economy.



From Political Economy to International Political Economy


政治學報;35期 (06/01/2003) P165-194





The main purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between Political Economy. Firstable, the author defines the meaning and context of the Political Economy. This study also discusses to what extent can the research method and approach of the Political Economy be applied to the International Political Economy. In the meanwhile, the author has a deep discussion on the issue of what might be problems caused by these applications. In sum, this study suggests that the International Political Economy should not be the simple extension of the Political Economy. As a matter of fact, the International Political Economy has developed its own speciality.



Human Existence and the Methology of Political Economy


政治學報;35期 (06/01/2003) P195-222

關鍵字:Political Economy, Income Distribution of Wealth and power, Methodology, 研究方法、政治經濟學、所得分配、權力分配




The essence of the scinence of political economy is the issues regarding the accumulation and distribution of wealth among individuals. This essay first traces the origin of political economy and then proceeds to discuss how accumulation and distribution of wealth and accumulation and distribution of power are interviewned.
