
Grassroots Democracy cross Taiwan Strait Between Elections of Neigborhood Committee in China and Election of Township Leaders in Taiwan


政治學報;38期 (12/01/2004) P101-139




  中共人大在1989年年底通過《城市居民委員會組織法》,而自1990年開始實施。自1998年起,中共民政部選擇了26個實驗區,推動居委會選舉。雖然法令規定居舞會為社居居民的自治組織,不過目前居委會的經費來源多來自接到辦事處,且街道辦事處所交案的業務相當繁重。因此,居委會如何由上級單位的「腿」轉變為社區居民的自治機構,著實值得觀察。而居委會耊主委員會以及物業公司之間的 關係和職能,更趨要進一步釐清。雖然目前居委會的功能以及選舉產生方式,看死與民主國家的標準相差甚遠,不過,從台灣鄉鎮市長選舉應否廢除的討論,我們或許可以得到一些啟發。

  台灣實施基層選舉,主要是國民黨自大陸撤守以來,為鞏固其政權的合法性以及達到對於地方的控制,所採取的手段,經過多年的實施,雖導致黑金政治的批評,不過卻也讓反對勢力得以解由基層選舉逐漸組織,進而形成可以取而代之的反對勢力,雖然一般菁英,,不過一般民眾並不認為鄉鎮市長選舉必然與黑金政治相關。且根據在2004 年所進行的民調,有超過六成的台灣民眾支持繼續選舉。



In this paper, we will discuss the election of neighborhood committee and its possible political consequences for Chinese cities . Elections of neighborhood were first held during 1990s ,these elections might affect local government and political participation in Chinese cities. Comparing with countryside villages , city residents have higher level of social economic status. Therefore, their levels of political efficacy and political sophistication might be highter, and they are more likely to receive diverse information than re3sidents in countryside. Election’s of community resident committee provide different channels for city residents to express their political preferences and opinions . We also present experiences of local elections in Taiwan to evaluate and discuss how these elections in Chinese cities might affect behavior of residents and their possible political consequences



The Origin, Evolution, and Future Development of the Sovereign States: The Importance of the Spatiotemporal Factors


政治學報;38期 (12/01/2004) P1-57

關鍵字:Sovereign state, methodology, political economy, evolutionary theory, 主權國家,政治學布法論、政治經濟學、演化論




The explanations developed from the perspectives of comparative politics and international relations with regard to the origin, evolution, and future development of the sovereign states have been very different for a long time. Nevertheless, both disregard the importance of the spatiotemporal factors. The result makes the comparatist’s explanation only focus on domestic factors. This article applies a historical perspective to investigate this problem, argues the explanatory power of both explanations varies according to the spatiotemporal factors, and explains why these spatiotemporal factors are so important from a nonlinear evolutionary theory. Finally, a criticism on the “hollowness of the state”argument will be proposed based on the above conclusions.



Intergovernmental Relations During Market Transition in the Yangtze Delta: Co-opetition Tendency


政治學報;38期 (12/01/2004) P59-99

關鍵字:Yangtze Delta, co-opetition , intergovernmental relations, economic transition, 長三角、競合、府際關係、經濟轉型






Over the past two decades, various economic zones in Mainland China have been rapidly growing under the market opening and modernization policies. Among those zones, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang have limited land and natural resources. These area are the most outstanding performances regarding GDP growth and competitiveness. The high economic development performance is not without problems and issues. The concerns include intergovernmental interactions, coordination, operation, conflicts and challenges. They deeply affect the sustainability of the area's growth, and these should be taken seriously. This paper attempts to offer a perspective from intergovernmental relations, including the government's role and behavior as the markets transform. The paper also includes comment on intergovernmental conflicts, integrations and challenges.

The new central government leadership style of Hu jin-tao and Wen-jiao-pao inclined to overall, evently-distributed economic development policy. Under this policy, there are plans to realize China's East-North industrial zones and Zhu River Delta area consolidations. Therefore, Shanghai's role as the center of Yangtze Delta could be challenged. With this background, Shanghai needs to make more effort to positively create a “co-opetition”environment in order to sustain its navigator role.

Traditionally, Shanghai and Zhejiang have strong historical ties in emigration, trade, actual cooperation and good will. To the contrary, Shanghai and Jiangsu have had relatively strained relations. Therefore, it is expected that this“co-opetition”relation could spill over into economic benefit.

The negative, vicious competition and low level, poor quality, redundant construction among Yangtze Delta provinces should be removed in a short tome period. The key solution would be to establish a fair competition system based on market rules and acentral government coordination mechanism.



Farewell to the Development State? The Transformation of Local Governance in the Kunshan Miracle


政治學報;38期 (12/01/2004) P141-174

關鍵字:全球化、外資、地方治理、政企關係、台商金業, globalization, foreign direct investments, local governance, government –business relations, Taiwan businessmen




Tanking Kunshan as an example, the study inquiries into the impacts of foreign investment on the local governance in costal China. Building on field data, this paper characterizes and analyzes the different patterns of government-business interactions between the Kunshan government and Taiwanese enterprises to shoe hoe the local state has been responding and adapting to the challenge of globalization. To be more specific, in Kunshan, the once dominant “partnership relationship”between local government and foreign enterprises has been shifted to a“development state.”Behind such process is a larger context where all the institutions have been shaping and reshaping by the global market.



The Empiricist Crisis of Social Sciences: Some Philosophical Remarks


政治學報;38期 (12/01/2004) P175-218

關鍵字:philosophy of social science, communitarianism, critical realism\, moral ontology, empiricism, 社會科學哲學, 社群主義, 批判實在論, 道德本體論, 經驗主義




The paper of this essay is to make some remarks on the empiricist assumptions underlining the mainstream conception of modern social science:(1)the separation of science from metaphysics;(2)avoiding ontological issues;(3)from scientism to technocracy.
In the course of this philosophical adventure, the empiricist attempt to disconnect science with metaphysics will be unveiled as a false form of understanding the scientist practice that a cluster of recent phyllophytes of science intend to platform for re-considering the proper relation of moral philosophy to social science in terms of the dialogue between critical realism and communitarianism. In line with these remarks, I shall conclude this essay by pointing out the moral predicament of technocracy.
