
An Analysis of Strategy of Mr. Regan'Campaign for Election


政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P3-15



稍微反思卡特先生任內的政治舉措,顯示他傾向於理想主義,也就是灌輸美國人一種「新精神」(“new spirit”),並推崇道德以責難秘密式的民主。他曾致力於推動所謂的人道外交。然而,在他總統任期期間,他在他各個理想中遭遇了最嚴重的挫敗,例如他之後涉入秘密外交,也未公正地處理不同國家違反人權的行徑。


Mr.Regan who won 51% of the popular votes and 489 of the electors'votes on November 4,1980 was elected as the 40th President of the United States. In terms of the States voting for the candidates, Mr. Regan carried six States only. The Republican candidate, Mr. Regan, thus won a land-slide victory beyond the anticipation of previous forecasters.

The consensus of opinion seems to indicate that Carter's defeat could be attributable to his maladministration and his failure to provide an effective solution to problems pending at the time of election, essentially for(1)continuous inflation;(2)mounting unempolyment;(3)fitfy –two American held as hostages in Iran over a year.

A slight reflection over Mr. Cater’s political deeds during his term of office demonstrate that he tended towards idealism to inculcate, so speak, a "new spirit" on the American people and to Are cocerned. In domestic politics, he preferred a more liberal and yet traditional economic policy, to intervene the least with private enterprises. He was opposed to Carter's setting up of ad hoc agencies to place the unemployed, particularly the young entrants-a policy which could not strike at the root of the problem. As to inflation, Mr. Regan voiced his opposition to Cater's policy to increasinglylevy taxes as the only means to meet the government needs. On the country, Regan proposed more saving and more investments, coupled with an effective impetus to production.

Above all, he took firm stand, designed to alleviate the tax burden of the people, and to reduce wastes whatever possible. These policy appeals prove effective, as attested by the general approval of American people. His rosy promises were thought real, because Regan once tried with success, when he was Governor of the State of Califonia. In foreign policy, he laid emphasis on his firm stand against the Soviet Russia. He said that his foreign policy would be reinforced by adequate force. He scorned the Carter's policy of détente, which served only to relax the vigilance of the free world at expense of her allies. As a result, the Soviet Russia and the Communist countris had reaped the profit of the erroneous policy of the United States, ensuing in the aggrandizement of their power.

The above was only some highlights of Mr. Regan's strategy. Suffice it here to say that his pragmatic approach far outweights Carter's policy, whose stand was extremely feeble to such an extent as few again lend him their confidence.

Mr. Regan scored his victory at a time when the prestige of the United States was at the lowest ebb.
promote morality to condemn secret democracy endeavoured to foster the so-called human rights diplomacy. Throughout his tenure as President, however, he failed most fatally in all his ideas as, for instance, he himself was later engaged in secret diplomacy, and did not squarely with violations of human rights among nations.

As compared with Mr. Carter, Regan was for more pragmatic to approach contemporary problems, with which a vast majority





政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P435-441










政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P443-452








Scientific Explanation v.Empathetic Underdstanding:A Methogological Problem in Contemporary Political Science


政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P53-107





In contemporary political science, there are two schools challenging each other in the aspects of methodology. The one composes of behavioralist, who, perhaps influenced by the philolophy of logical empiricism, believe that political science, in the long run, could be a science of scientific explanation and prediction in the field of politics just as what physical science does now. The other school includes variety of elements, such as traditionalists, anti-behavioalists, and post-behaviorlists, who, impacted by the viewpoints of idealism, historicism, and heremeneutics, assert that political science is one field of spiritual science, which has its own unique methodology in dealing with its objects, the meaningful behaviors of human beings.

After we have clarified the assertions and arguments of both schools, we arrive at a tentative conclusion:political science as a young science in its present stage needs both methods and orientations in pursuance of political knowledge.





政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P423-433








A Brief Study of Lao Tsu's Thought of Governing Through Virtue


政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P171-193





Lao Tzu's by its nature is the Tao which inwardly forms the sage and externally the king. Tao typifies the methods of governing and the men who govern.

Tao is always nameless, and never make any ado, yet it does everything. The hidden virtue of Tao is“to give life but to claim nothing, to do your work but to set no store by it, to be a leader, not a butcher.”Therefore the Sage say:“ I do not make any fuss, and the people settle down in their regular grooves. I do not engage Myself in anything, and the people grow rich. I have no desires, and the people return to Simplicity.”Hence, the great ruler embraces the One, and becomes a Pattern to all under Heaven:he only helps all creatures to find their own nature, but does not venture to lead them by the nose.“A great tailor does little cutting.”The great ruler does not harm.“Nobody is abounded, nothing is wasted.”This is the ultimate goal of Lao Tsu's thought of governing through virtue.



U.S Policy Toward China During The First Taiwan Strait Crisis


政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P195-239





This is an analysis to view foreign policy as an integrated structure of assumptions, objective, and means. Since American policy during the first Taiwan Strait crisis is the turning point of the U.S-Republic of China(ROC)relation from the coordination of short-term respective policies to long-term close cooperation based on treaty commitment, special attention is paid to the correlations between US-ROC Mutual Defense Treaty and the first Taiwan Strait Crisis, the regotiation of the Treaty, the negotiation of the Treaty and the related exchange of notes, and the passing of the Formosa Resolution as well as it influence on the cease-fire in the Taiwan Strait.
From U.S point of view, the Republic of China is indispensable to the island defense chain in the Western Pacific, and Communist China is the spearhead of the expansion of international communism. The struggle between ROC and Communist China in the Taiwan Strait is, therefore, a part of the confrontation between the free world led by the United States and the Communist bloc led by the Soviet Union. Accordingly the Eisenhower Administration concluded the defense treaty with the Republic of China and passed the Formosa Resolution to leave no doubt of the American intention regarding Taiwan, the Pescadores, Quemoy, and Matsu. Thus the ceasefire attained.
The Treaty, moreover, not only established the legal basis of US-ROC long-term close cooperation but also strengthened American policy of non-recognition of Communist China as well as that of opposition to Communist China's participation in the United Nations. U.S. policy of containment and isolation toward Communist China thus solidified.



Complainant's Cognitive, Evaluative, and Trust Orientation to Complaint System


政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P297-351





The foci of this essay are to desuife complainant's cognitive, evaluative, and trust orientation to complaint system and try to find the relationships between complaint's social backgrounds and these three orientations. Complainant's cognitive orientations are rather low. Sex, educational level, and economic status have significantly influenced complainant's cognitive orientation. The living place has significantly related to complainant's evaluative orientation. Sex, age, and native place have associated significantly to complainant's trust orientation.



The Role of Private Groups in Promotion of Relations between the Republic of China and the Western European Countries-Eassays on the Theory and the Practice of New Patterns of International Relations


政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P17-50





Since the end of World WarΠ, a radical transformation in world politics has taken place; not only the international system has changed, but also the political units has increased rapidly. We have entered into a phase characterized by a planetary system, a loose bipolar system, a heterogenous system and a revolutionary system. And besides nation-states and intergovernment organizations, private groups such as non governmental organizations(NGOS), multinational corporations, international terrorist groups etc. have become more and more important in word politics.

The change of the international system and the increase of political units exert a substantial influence on the course of international relations. First of all, the planetary system has strengthened the interdependence of all political units and peoples. No one can escape form the influence of the interaction of political units in this world system. Second, the loose biopolar system and the heterogenous system has caused a divided world under the leadership of two superpowers. Although peaceful coexistence and detente have manifested different phase of international relations after 1953, the East-West confrontation remains one of the characteristics of international relations. The development of international politics deteriorated because of tension and confrontation between East and Wes. Therefore, during a certain phase of international relations, the East-West impact encouraged in the global system the action of private groups which tends to relax the tension between the free world and the communist world. Third, the development of nuclear weapons has changed the physiognomy of war. The apocalypse of nuclear war and the alliance system limit the use of military forces in the sphere of inter-state action. Means realizing national interest, other than the use of force, become very important in foreign affairs. In other words, besides political interaction, economic, cultural, technical relations are also the substance of diplomacy. Last, the existence of divided conntries, each of which claims the sole representations of whole nation, requires a new pattern of interstate relations. A private group acting as a governmental agent can, therefore, play an important role in the world politics and intergovernmental relations.

This paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, we shall analyze the concept of private groups and the role played by private groups in the international relations. In the second part, we shall discuss how we can improve Sino-European relations, the deadlock of these relations, the possibility of its amelioration through private organizations and methods to promote relations between the Republic of China and the Western European countries.



A Study of the Effect of Political Campaign Media to the Voter's Voting Behavior.


政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P109-136



I. (1) 選民獲得的政治資訊的來源。
II. (2) 受訪者有否投票
III. (3)-(9) 競選媒體影響之比較分析,例如選舉公告、通函、郵寄資料、公開的競選平台、個別候選人的競選平台、小冊子、報紙、選舉宣傳車。
IV. (10)-(11) 個人關係的影響
V. (12)選舉行為因素影響之比較研究,例如政治競選活動、個人關係、地方利益、政黨。


This study is an emprical survey, based on 474 interviews by two assistants and 22 students on Nov. 20, 1977, the next day after election day. Interviewees were chosen by random sampling and were asked a series of 12 questions.
Five topics were used to analyze the 12 questions:
I. (1) The sourses of political information that the voters
II. (2) Whether or not he-she took part in the voting.
III. (3)-(9) Comparative study of the effect of the political campaign media, such as election bulletin, circular letter, postcard, platform campaign by public, platform campign by individual candidate, pamphlet, newspaper, campaign car.
IV. (10)-(11) The effect of person relationships.
V. (12) Comparative study of the effect of the factors of voting behavior, such as political campaign, personal relationship, local interest, political party.
The third topic is the main topic of this study.
According to the statistical analysis of the interviews record, we can get the scientific vertification through Chi Square for some ordinary understandings. For example, if the voter is man, younger, higher educated, party indentifier, he-she will contact political campaign media more, and will be influenced more. The sequence of the political campaign media to which the interiewees received is (1) campaign car, (2) postcard and circular letter, (3) newspaper, (4) election bulletin, (S) pamphlet, (6) platform campaign by public, (7) platform campaign by individual candidate. In our country, the other factors such as personal relationship, local interest, party identify still are occupied the important place on the effect of the voter's voting behavior.



A Study of Policy Formulation


政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P241-295





Policy Formulation involves the development of appreciate and acceptable means for dealing with public pro-blems. The author discussed definition,types, principles, planers, methods, prediction, feasibility and effectiveness of policy formulation.And concludes with the argument between policy planning and policy coordination.



A Study on the Moulding of Democratic Citizenship in the Republic of China


政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P137-170





Following Almond and Verba, Thomson, etc. We assume that the successful functioning of a democratic system of government requires citizens imbued with democratic values and committed to democratic norms; and such values and norms are cultivated through the socialization process. In our country, the period of formal schooling is of vital importance in such socialization, particularly the junior high school years. During those years, a child is exposed to overt political socialization through civics courses for the first time in his life, therefore the impact is bound to be quite a large number citizens, formal schooling ends with graduation of junior high school, the junior high school political socialization is of major importance for our society. This study attempts to analyze how our educators try to mould our citizens in order to make them fit for democratic citizenship and to evalucate the degree of success of our education through an analysis of the standard civics textbooks of our junior high schools.



Political Attitude and Political Participation of Taipei University Students


政治學報;9期 (12/01/1981) P353-420





The political behavior approach has become the mainstream in political science since World WarⅡ. The main characteristics of this approach are:(1)regarding political behavior as the unit of analysis,(2)using scientific methods to study politics, and(4)applying other discipline's methods and theories.
This paper uses the behavioral approach to study the political attitudes and political participation of Taipei university students. It tests the correlations between six kinds of political attitudes are democratic attitude, political efficacy, sense of citizen duty, political cynicism, political alienation and political competence. The five forms of political participation are voting behavior, political informative behavior, group activity, contact with officials, and political party activity. The statistical methods used in this paper include Pearson simple correlation, partial correlation, multiple correlation, and multiple liner regression.
The main finding of this paper are as follows:(1)There are significant positive correlations.(2)There are significant positive correlations between political competence and five forms of participation.(3)There are less correlations between sense of citizen duty and five forms of political participation.(4)Less than 15 percent of the variation in each form of political participation is explained by liner regression on the six kinds of political attitudes.
Political attitudes are only one of the factors that influence political participation. For the comprehension of political participations, we must pursue further study of the other factors, such as, political structure, economic setting, political culture, and political personality.
