
Globalized Tianxia: From Flat International Order into a Spherical One

陳欣之(Hsin-Chih Chen)

政治學報;60期 (12/01/2015) P1 – 20

關鍵字:天下, 天命 , 國際體系 , 權力轉移, 霸權治理 , Tianxia, Tianming (heaven's mandate) , international system , power transition, hegemonic governance




"Tianxia," a concept firstly developed in the Zhou Dynasty, has been practiced throughout the Chinese history and become the essence of Chinese political thought in dealing with inter-state relations. Base on the traditional notion of Tianxia perspectives, Zhao Tingyang, a Chinese scholar, argues that the Tianxia system is an inclusive world order of co-existence. Nevertheless, Zhao's thesis can hardly explain the dynamics of power competition in global politics. By synthesizing original concepts of Tian (heaven), Tianxia (all under heaven), and Tianming (heaven's mandate), the traditional Chinese Tianxia indeed not only well explains the transformation of international order but also inspires us for the understandings of hegemonic governance and the transition of hegemonic order. This article removes the Chinese-barbarian cultural bias in the traditional Chinese Tianxia and develops a new research approach to international relations: Globalized Tianxia. It concludes that hegemonic transitions and governance patterns can be better explained by "Heaven's Uncertain Mandate" of the Globalized Tianxia.



The Ethnic Identity and Citizenship of Taiwanese Merchants in Mainland China: Qualitative Research with a Reflexive Approach

衛民(Min Wei)

政治學報;60期 (12/01/2015) P71 – 95

關鍵字:臺商研究, 連綴社群, 跨國主義, 場域論, 方法論的民族主義, Taiwanese merchants research, linkage community, transnationalism, field theory, methodological nationalism


近年學界對大陸臺商社群及其所形成的認同,開始有了較多的研究,主要關切臺商經歷長 時期橫跨兩岸的生活型態,對於他們的集體認同與情感是否會產生影響。
當前對此議題一些較新的文獻,主要歧異點在於:究竟臺商此種遷移型態是屬於傳統移 民?還是跨國移民 (transnational immigrant) ?甚或是一種民族內的遷移?前者是社會學移民研 究的觀點,這也是傳統海外華人研究的一個重要領域;其次則有臺商研究學者以「跨國主義」 (transnationlism) 觀點來進行探討;晚近另有學者並從政治學的觀點著手,所採取之觀點乃緣自 「多體制國家」、「分裂國家」或「共同屋頂理論」(common roof theory) 的主張,並由其中演 化出「民族內共同體」、「連綴社群」的概念。
本文乃以布赫迪厄 (Bourdieu) 的「場域論」 (field theory) 作為研究途徑,基本經驗資料是 獲自 2013 年 7、8 月間在大陸臺商聚集最多的昆山與東莞兩地所進行的田野研究之材料,文中 運用這些獲自田野之實際訪談對於上述概念的合理性進行探討。
根據文獻探討及田野研究的內容,本文意圖建立一個有關臺商認同的類型學 (typology),除 了就「方法論的民族國家容器」觀點與「社會流動論」觀點,來區辨臺商遷徙的型態,並且嘗 試進一步確認此類移民在公民身分及族群認同上與傳統民族國家成員之間所存有的差異。


Whether the life experiences and mode the Taiwanese merchants in Mainland China affect their ethnic identity with Taiwan has been extensively explored by scholars. The key issue indeed is how to define what kind of migrants they are. Are they traditional migrants, transnational migrants, or people movement within a nation-state? Sociologists might see them as traditional migrants and call them overseas Chinese; while political scientists have applied theories of multi-system nations, divided nation, or the common roof theorem and suggest notions of “intra-national commonwealth” or “linkage community” to delimit the group. The objective of this article is to develop a typology based on data collected from Kunshan and Dongguan in field studies during July and August in 2013. In addition to perspectives of nationalism and fluidism, this study confirms that the identities of ethnicity and citizenship of this group of people are not the same as those addressed in traditional comparative studies of migration across nation states.



The Political Economy of National Spatial Planning Policy in Taiwan, 1945 ~ 2015

邱君萍(Chun-Ping Chiu) ; 蕭全政(Chyuan-Jenq Shiau)

政治學報;60期 (12/01/2015) P21 – 39

關鍵字:國土規劃, 都市計畫 , 區域計畫 , 國土綜合開發計畫, 國土空間發展策略計畫, national spatial planning, urban planning , regional planning , national comprehensive development plan , strategic plan for national spatial development




Taiwan's national spatial planning policy has been deeply influenced by its political-economic system and the relationship among key actors since the end of World War II. This article adopts the concepts of "bias" and "bias mobilization" to analyze the policy evolution thereof. Through the stages of authoritarian rule, authoritarian transformation, and democratic consolidation, Taiwan's political-economic system has distinguished this policy area into three phases. Under the authoritarian rule, the urban and regional planning policies, strictly speaking, could hardly be seen as national spatial planning. Nevertheless, the policy gradually transformed into greater maturity in the later stages of authoritarian transformation and democratic consolidation. In the processes, all the related actors, including the government authorities, land owners, and others, have utilized institutional transformations and mobilized biases for their own interests. Such patterns bring about policy changes.



A Study of the Power-Policy Network for City Governance: The Case of the Kaohsiung Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy

柯于璋(Yu-Chang Ke)

政治學報;60期 (12/01/2015) P41 – 70

關鍵字:都市治理, 權力, 政策網絡 , 權力社會產生論 , 高雄市溫室氣體減量策略計畫 , urban governance, power , policy network , social production of power, the Kaohsiung greenhouse gas reduction strategy




Global environmental governance is a highly complicated, uncertain and multi-level issue. Constructing a policy network may reduce the complexity and uncertainty, but may also shift the power structure of urban governance. This study adopts a social network analysis with survey methodology to evaluate the power -- policy network relationships for urban governance of the Kaohsiung Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy. Four aspects of a policy network and three dimensions of power (structure, process, and outcome) are integrated into an analytic framework. 44 public and private sector agencies involved in the policy are surveyed. In the end, strategies of network management are presented in response to issues of urban governance. Although the City Government of Kaohsiung endeavors on the changes of governance structure, the observed dynamics of power structures, network interactions, and policy outcomes suggests that the policy network of the case, falling short of the requirements for urban regime or governance, still favors the bureaucracy.
