
The Power Effects of the International Institution in the Process of International hegemonic Competition


政治學報;40期 (06/01/2006) P115-148

關鍵字:國際制度, 路徑依存, 議題控制, 權力, 霸權, Agenda control, hegemony, international institutution, path-dependence, power


國際關係十分重視權力對國家行為的作用,不過各種國際關係理論,對於權力的定義,本質與運用方式,並沒有提出令人滿意的的解釋。大部分的 國際關係論述,仍然以掌握資源的多寡,作為衡量大小的指標,忽視宰制國家決策環境與決策選項的其他種類權力面貌。權力雖然是國際關係的一個重要概念,不過國際關係隊與此種概念的各種方式及內涵,並沒有深入的 探索。


尋求國際合作的過程中,霸權利用對議題的控制,以及限制其他國家決策選項的方式,展現霸權所擁有的權力,迫使其他國家處於不利的決策地位,進而達成符合霸權最大的國際合作運作模式,故而國際制度的運作中,存在著贏家(winner)與輸家(loser),而且隨著國際制度的運作,不斷強化贏者的地位,提升輸家退出此種制度尋求其他解脫的成本,迫使弱者繼續在不利於本國利益的國際制度中,陷入兩海相權取其輕的 決策困境。

中共與美國的霸權競爭態勢,已成為近年來最熱門的 國際關係課題,中共的權力地位或許十分驚人,不過在世界貿易組織的表現卻處處受限,中共取代美國,主導全球主要國際制度的地位,顯然有一大段距離,無論如何,中共仍會與美國在國際制度之內,上演全力爭奪的老戲。


Power has been an important factor in deciding the state’s behavior in the international system; however, the International Relations Theories did not propose satisfied explanations on the issue of definition, nature and the exercise of power. Most of the international relations theories insist that the measuring index of power is the amount of capabilities. They ignore the other power faces which demonstrate by means of dominating the decision-making environment the decision agenda.

Hegemony has great influence on the establishment of international institution and the ways how hegemony manipulates the international institution deserve more attentions. There is power asymmetry in the international institution because of the existence of hegemony. Besides hegemony exercised her power and fulfilled her intere3sts through the function of the international institution, which consolidate further her predominant position in the international system.

In the process of international cooperation, hegemony limited the rational choice bargaining, which demonstrate the hegemony’s power in the international institution and archive a certain kind of international cooperation in which the hegemony becomes beneficent and the other countries were forces to accept an unfavorable terms. So, there are we winner and loser in the international institution. The winner becomes powerful; and the losers are trapped in a dilemma between the high cost to quit the international institution and the unfavorable position in such international institution.



Why Cannot the ROC’s Semi-presidentialism “Alternate”? -In Light of Institutional Mechanism


政治學報;40期 (06/01/2006) P41-84

關鍵字:法國第五共和, 換軌, 單記非讓渡投票制, 憲政體制, 雙首長制, alternating, constitutional system, dual-leadership, the French Fifth Republics, semi-presidentialism, single non-transferable vote





The paper tries to explore why the ROC’s constitutional system, so called semi-presidentialism(dual-leadership system),cannot work like French Fifth Republic’s,“alternating”between presidential and parliamentary phase. Focusing on the institutional mechanism, the paper indicates five critical factors which result in different constitutional outcomes in France and the ROC.

First, the two-ballot system for the election of the French National Assembly members has contributed to two firm political allices in the National Assembly, while the ROC’s SNTV system for the election of legislators shapes an unstable multi-partism in the Legislative Yuan. Second, the administrative command system in frence is unity, while it isn’t in ROC. Third, the French president ins’t granted the constitutional power to dismiss the head of the cabinet at will, but the president of ROC seems to own this power, in view of the empirical constitutional exercise. Fourth, the French president can dissolve the National Assembly voluntarily, but the ROC president cannot dissolve the Legislative Yuan unless the latter passes a vote of non-confidence on the Executive Yuan. Fifth, the French presidential election adopts majority vote(runoff election),while the ROC presidential election adopts plurality vote.

Among these institutional factors, the first three enable the French constitutional system to alternate from presidential phase to parliamentary phase in case that the president is not supported by the majority of the newly elected assembly. The last two help the French constitutional system alternate from parliamentary phase to presidential phase when the majority of assembly isn’t the political alliance to which the newly elected president belongs. Due to the lack of the alliance to which the newly elected president belongs. Due to the lack of the alternating mechanism which exists in the French system, the ROC’s constitutional system fails to alternate smoothly.



An Analysis on the State Power and Dissident Resistance in Contemporary China


政治學報;40期 (06/01/2006) P85-114

關鍵字:社會抗議, 孤島效應, 政治機會結構, 相對剝奪感, 國家一社會關係, 國家能力, island effects, political opportunity structure, relative deprivation social resistance, state-society relationship, state capacity




Over the past two decades and a half, with the maintenance of political stability and repaid economic growth, China has become the focus of world attention. At the same time, China is faced with various problems, some of which are quite complicated and challenging. These problems include the disparity of income distribution, the corruption of government officials, and dissent resistance, as a central dynamic in understanding the critical social tensions in Chinese society. However, oppression and resistance are symbiotic political ACTS-ONE ALMOST NEVER OCCURS WITHOUT TH EOTHER. The strenuous conditions of social existence in China offer up plenty of cause foe popular protest. But the CCP is still in tight control of political process and social movement.

The proliferation of scholarship on cleavages and conflicts in relation to social movement have existed three distinct approaches which are psychology, particularly cognitive psychology, resource mobilization and political opportunity process. This article integrates the former approaches into the“ state-society”framework to analyze the dissident resistance and the responses of the Chinese government. It offers us a viewpoint to explore the strategies of CCP to prevent the turmoil from “nationalization”. Although it’s premature to evaluate the effectiveness of the new tactics, this article attempts to place the newly transformed dissent movement in political, institutional, and social context.



Local Self-Governance and Water Resource Conservation; Comparing Groundwater Management in Raymond Basin of U.S.A and Chia-Nan Plain of Taiwan


政治學報;40期 (06/01/2006) P1-39

關鍵字:市場機制、地市水、地下集水區、共享資源、使用者自治制度, common-pool resources, groundwater, groundwater basin, market mechanism, self-governance of appropriators




As the spply of the flesh water become a global crisis, effective management of available water is considered as an essential and challenging task. Accumulated researchers indicate that self-governance by the resource users could be the most efficient way to manage such common-pool resources as surface and groundwater. This study compares two groundwater management systems, in Taiwan and the United States of America, to analyze why such self-governance has evolved and how such self-government system has actually worked to conserve groundwater.
