
Military Security Conflict and Diplomatic Rivalry between North and South Korea in the Changes of Power Structure in Northeast Asia from 2012 to 2016

河凡植(Bum-Sig Ha)

政治學報;64期 (12/01/2017) P1 - 22

關鍵字:外交角力 , 北韓核武戰略, 軍事安全對峙 , 南韓北韓政策 , 新古典現實主義 , Diplomatic Rivalry, Military Security Conflict, Neoclassical Realism , North Korea's Nuclear Strategy , South Korea's Policy towards North Korea




This paper explores the military security rivalry between North and South Korea, and its impact on their diplomatic policies during the period of 2012 ~ 2016. From the perspective of neoclassical realism, the nuclear strategy of Kim Jong-un and the diplomatic policy of Park Geun-hye are in response to the pressure from the power shift in Northeast Asia and their respective domestic concerns. For North Korea, the pressure at the regional level refers to its inferiority in the regional power structure, especially when South Korea's conservative government takes a hostile position and enhances its political and military ties with the U.S. At the domestic level, Kim Jongun adopts the so-called parallel policy roadmap which aims at winning trust and loyalty of the army and the people. For South Korea, North Korea's nuclear strategy threatens security of South Korea, and domestically, the conservatives urge the North Korea to abandon its nuclear strategy prior to opening channels for communication. In response, South Korea has shifted its diplomatic strategy from uniting with the U.S. and China to aligning with the U.S. against China, even by equipping THAAD. In addition, the diplomatic rivalry between China and the U.S. and the complexity of power relations in Northeast Asia have exacerbated the security uncertainty in the Korean Peninsula.



Examining Offensive Realism by the Early Western Han's Action toward Hu and Yue

唐欣偉(Hsin-wei Tang) ; 唐豪駿(Hao-Chun Tang)

政治學報;64期 (12/01/2017) P23 - 39

關鍵字:物質實力, 現實主義 , 道家思想 , 權力政治, Daoism , Material Capabilities, Power Politics, Realism




As the national capabilities grew during the early period, the Western Han Dynasty transferred its "hidden light" low-profile policy toward aggressively attacking foreign enemies. It could be considered as a confirmative case to support offensive realism. Some even worry if China would follow the same path today. However, this paper suggests that Han rulers did not necessarily aim at maximizing material power, as offensive realists argue. In contrast, the Western Han peacefully coexisted with weaker Yue people for about ninety years. With the help of the "laissez-faire" ideology, Han elites managed to avoid war. We argue that the Wu Di's war against Hiongnu could be better explained by the concept of security maximization suggested in the defensive realism. Thus, Western Han's case does not fully confirm offensive realism.



Cooperation under China and Turkey's New Geo- Political and Economic Relations

吳雪鳳(Sheue-Feng Wu) ; 曾怡仁(Yi-Ren Dzeng)

政治學報;64期 (12/01/2017) P41 - 74

關鍵字:一帶一路, 土耳其, 中國 , 地緣戰略 , 競合策略, China , Co-Opetition , Geopolitical Strategies, One Belt One Road , Turkey




Located in the geopolitical pivot position among Central Asia, Middle East and Europe, Turkey is a crucial connecting point for China's land and sea routes in the One Belt One Road strategies (OBOR). From Turkey's perspective, cooperation with China can help it to realize the goal of being an energy hub in Eurasia through its Middle Corridor Plan. Nevertheless, even with shared geopolitical and strategic interests, the similar economic structure of China and Turkey have led their relationship to more competition than cooperation. Would it be possible for China and Turkey to expand their cooperative relation within their competition and create a reciprocal opportunity for a win-win situation? This article tries to answer this question through the geopolitical theory of international relations and cooperation-competition theory of economics and management.



Confucian Culture, Soft Power, and Hegemony: A Case Study of the Early Qing Dynasty (1676 ~ 1735)

楊仕樂(Shih-Yueh Yang)

政治學報;64期 (12/01/2017) P75 - 103

關鍵字:武力使用, 建構主義 , 軟權力 , 儒家文化, 霸權 , Confucian Culture , Constructivism , Hegemon , Soft Power , Use of Force




The rise of China has been the focus of contemporary international relations. After China achieves hegemony in East Asia, how will China act? Taking U.S. hegemony in North America as an example, "soft power" seems to be the best choice for a hegemon. It induces voluntary compliance form other countries through self-restraint on the use of force. Nevertheless, hegemons do not necessarily adopt the "soft power" logic. In history, China had achieved hegemony in East Asia for many times, but its behavioral patterns were not consistent. Indeed, the heyday of Qing, in contrast to the Tang and Yuan dynasties, had a similar behavioral pattern with the U.S. This article studies China's two wars with Russia and Junggar in the early Qing period and finds that Qing's embrace of Confucian culture contributes to its adoption of the "soft power" logic.
